
Happy Hump Day!

You've probably noticed that this newsletter looks more like -- a NEWSLETTER 😉.

I've been planning on a new look for the new year. But why wait?

So what's new?

In addition to sharing my best tips for growing your business, I'll also be including the best tips, tricks, and industry news that I find throughout the week.

Let me know what you think of the new format. My goal is to help bring you the best information to help you grow your business, so let me know how I can improve to meet that goal.

And if this new format isn't for you, feel free to scroll down to the bottom and unsubscribe.

Have a great day!


News, Tips, & Tricks

Book of the Week

Tool of the Week

Image of the Week

Like This Newsletter?

Let me know. Reply, email me at Bill[at], or find me on LinkedIn to hit me with some feedback. I’d love to know what you think.

Thanks for reading.



And whenever you are ready, here are 3 ways I can help you grow your business:

1) Get a copy of my free guide - Create a Content Calendar for a Whole Year in 3 Easy Steps. Just reply to this email with "Calendar" and I'll shoot you a copy.

2) Try the Marketing Mindset Scorecard
See how each mindset is helping to grow or slow your business. Click here

3) Work with me 1-on-1 to build your sales funnel. Just reply to this email with "1-on-1" in the subject line... tell me a little about your business and what you'd like to work on together, and I'll get you all the details!


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