Quick Tip
My LinkedIn Weed-Wacker
I first joined LinkedIn 119 years ago.
(BTW, whoever decided internet years are the same as dog years was just plain lazy - right?)
Anywho, over the years I've changed my approach to handling connection invites.
Back when there were less than 1/2 million people on LinkedIn, I accepted all connection requests.
At some point, I started requesting a quick phone call with people who wanted to connect. I wanted to make sure they were a good fit for my network before I added them.
Then I reversed my approach. I accepted all requests. I would then try to start a conversation with them. If they were unresponsive - I would "unlink" them.
Then the pitch-fest started.
Most LinkedIn users don't seem to be interested in networking anymore.
They want to pitch and move on.
They haven't figured out that relationship building doesn't "scale."
"How do you weed out the ones who are only interested in pitching?"
That's a question I get a lot. Here's what I do.
I ask a question.
I don't have a standard question. I ask a question like I would if we were talking in person.
- "How long have you been in business?"
- "How do you know Joe [a shared connection]?"
- "Who's your favorite type of client?"
It doesn't matter what the question is. Here's why...
Those who are only pitching (or the people they hire) have a script.
And they don't know how to go off-script.
They give themselves away by spitting out the next message in their script.
And it doesn't make any sense in terms of a conversation.
I ask, "How do you know Joe?"
And they barf up their sales pitch about how they can build me a website for $20/hr.
Or how they can teach me how to use LinkedIn to lose friends and alienate people.
So if you want to weed out the script followers from the relationship builders, try starting a conversation.
The non-humans will reveal themselves.
Yours for smarter marketing,
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The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea
Bob Burg's classic story about how to get ahead by being a giver.
Get your copy on Amazon (affiliate link)
Tool of the Week
Tools for YouTube Ads | Vid Hoarder
If you are doing any advertising on YouTube, you'll want to check out VidHoarder to help you find the perfect placement for your ads.
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P.S. - And whenever you are ready, here are 3 ways I can help you grow your business:
1) Get a copy of my new eBook - Break Free From Your Inbox - Spend less time writing emails and more time serving clients. Simply reply to this email with "Inbox" and I'll shoot you a copy.
2) Try the Marketing Mindset Scorecard - See how each mindset is helping to grow or slow your business. Click here
3) Get more leads from your website - If your website isn't delivering enough leads, reply to this email with "website leads" and I'll send you the details about my Website Leads Audit.