Quick Tip

Controlling the Weather

Summer sure got here fast, didn't it?

It seems like only a week or two ago, temps were in the 30s. Then bang! Right into the 90s.

But no use complaining about the weather, right?

Sort of the same thing with our businesses. There's little use in worrying and complaining about the things we can't control.

Best to be prepared and focus on the things we can control.

You might remember that I'm a big fan of Sandler Sales Training. One of the things they teach is focusing on behaviors (which you can control) rather than outcomes (which you cannot).

I've always found that to be great advice, both inside and outside of business.

Yes, it's important to regularly evaluate and have feedback loops so you will know when it's time to try something else.

But picking a few things to focus on and execute consistently is more effective than trying to build an elaborate marketing system.

At least that's been my experience.

Do you agree?

To your perfect future business,



P.S. - where are you going on vacation this year? Hit reply, I'd love to know.

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Thanks for reading.



P.S. - And whenever you are ready, here are 3 ways I can help you grow your business:

1) Get more referrals - Want help creating your system for orchestrating referrals?. Reply to this email with "More referrals" to set up a time to talk.

2) Get Help Quick - Day Rate Consults are the easiest way to get marketing tasks off of your to-do list. See what you can get done

3) Get more leads from your website - If your website isn't delivering enough leads, reply to this email with "website leads" and I'll send you the details about my Website Leads Audit.