
Stop bitchin' about LinkedIn.

That's on my list of goals/resolutions for 2021. Here's why...

I've been on LinkedIn since 2004 - when they only had about 400k users. Yep, I'm old <g>.

Back then, LI was mostly techies and execs (and recruiters) looking for jobs. Developing professional contacts. Exchanging information. Helping each other out.

You know, networking.

Over the last few years, the trend seems to be less networking and more pitching.

And 95%+ of the pitching is really BAD.

Legally it might not be SPAM - but it's spam.

It reminds me of something you'd see back in the dark ages <g> when we used to do in-person networking.

There were always a few people who would interrupt, tell you all about themselves, never ask questions, and leave you with 3 business cards so you could "give them to your friends."

Some people are just bad at networking.

And for a while, the bad apples on LI had me thinking about quitting.

But rather than abandon LinkedIn or incessantly complain about it, I've decided to refocus and continue to use it for building relationships and helping others.

After all, it's easy enough to weed out the spammers and focus on networking with and helping like-minded professionals.

If you've read this far, you're probably one of those folks. So if you haven't done so already, connect with me on LinkedIn and let me know how I can help.

Happy New Year!



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photo credit: Bill Brelsford