
Niche, Specialty, or Both

"Though shalt niche."

So say the marketing gods. Or at least the gurus.

While there are many benefits to narrowing your focus when targeting an audience (more about those next time), niching is not the only game in town.

And here's a little secret...

Many of those marketing gurus who think they have a niche - don't.

They have a specialty.

Niching generally refers to serving a particular market. For example, an accountant may work only with small businesses in his local area.

A specialty refers to a specific type of work. Our accountant may specialize in tax preparation - for all kinds of individuals and businesses.

And of course, you can combine the 2 to get an accountant who only does tax preparation for small business owners in his local area.

In the end, it's doesn't matter which word you use. What's important is that you know who your target audience is - so you can reach them with your marketing and serve them well when they become clients.

That's all for now. Have a great day!



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I love the look of intensity owls seem to have. I found this great shot on

photo credit: Alexas_Fotos on pixabay