Quick Tip

Are you in the right room?

"If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room."

Brian Kurtz (famous marketing dude) shared that quote during a training session I listened to yesterday.

(side note - Grammarly wants me to change "dude" to something else. I decline.)

He was talking about what makes a great copywriter, but that advice applies to everyone. Don't you think?

Jim Rohn likes to say we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with.

As business owners, marketers, and salespeople, it's easy to get caught up in our echo chambers.

It takes effort to grow.

To actively seek out new ideas.

To connect with people with different points of view.

It's taken more effort than usual during the last year or two.

The good news is, even if we've fallen behind, we can restart and recommit today.

Who are some of the "smartest people" you like to hang out with? Hit reply and let me know - I'd love to learn.

Yours for smarter marketing,



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P.S. - And whenever you are ready, here are 3 ways I can help you grow your business:

1) Break Free From Your Inbox - Grab this checklist of email templates so you can spend less time writing emails and more time serving clients*. Simply reply to this email with "Inbox" and I'll shoot you a copy.

2) Get Help Quick - Day Rate Consults are the easiest way to get marketing tasks off of your to-do list. See what you can get done

3) Get more leads from your website - If your website isn't delivering enough leads, reply to this email with "website leads" and I'll send you the details about my Website Leads Audit.