
The Most Wasted Digital Real Estate

That’s how I heard one marketer refer to Thank You pages.

You know, that page you see after you download an eBook.

Or register for a webinar.

Or sign up for a free consultation.

One way to leverage your thank you pages is to make an offer, an upsell.

That's the approach the marketer I mentioned was advocating.

But for B2B and professional service firms, there’s something else you can do.

Something that’s more of a long-term play.

You can use that space to find out what was going on in your prospect’s mind when they said “yes.”

And you do that by asking this question.

What was going on in your life that brought you to X today?

Where X equals the action they took, visiting your site, downloading your eBook, etc.


Because when you know WHY your prospect said yes, you can tweak your copy to get more yeses.

Or maybe you’ll figure out why the wrong people are saying yes.

Either way, you win.

Copy is your online salesperson.

Salespeople improve by asking questions.

So don’t waste this valuable digital real estate. Use it to learn more about your prospects and clients so you can improve your copy.

And improve your results.

Have a great day!



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