
Planning vs. Committing

It's the time of year when you hear a lot about creating marketing plans.

I don't know how you go about planning (or if you do), but here's one thing I've noticed over the past 15 years.

The people who I've worked with who are successful in implementing their growth plans are the ones who start with a commitment.

They commit to:

  • saying "No" to the wrong types of projects and clients
  • being a better salesperson (building their skills)
  • hiring the best people
  • doing fewer marketing activities, but doing them consistently
  • spending less time at work and more time with family

Once they commit, they do 2 more things:

  1. They share their commitment publicly. Some share it with staff, mentors, accountability partners, etc.
  2. They create plans and build systems to follow through on their commitment.

On the other end of the spectrum are the folks who create a plan by compiling a laundry list of activities and projects to work on - usually because some "expert" said they should.

These folks often abandon their plan before the end of the first quarter and struggle to reach their goals.

If you hate planning or you've struggled in the past to meet your goals - try something different this year.

Start with a commitment.

Here's to making 2021 your best year yet.



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And whenever you are ready, here are 3 ways I can help you grow your business:

1) Get a copy of my free guide - Create a Content Calendar for a Whole Year in 3 Easy Steps. Just reply to this email with "Calendar" and I'll shoot you a copy.

2) Try the Marketing Mindset Scorecard
See how each mindset is helping to grow or slow your business. Click here

3) Work with me 1-on-1 to build your sales funnel. Just reply to this email with "1-on-1" in the subject line... tell me a little about your business and what you'd like to work on together, and I'll get you all the details!

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