Quick Tip
The best laid plans
I had it all planned out...
I did my prep work.
Double-checked to make sure I had everything with me. Left with plenty of time to get to my destination.
And then BOOM!
Halfway to my destination, my front-right tire blows out.
Luckily, it happened close to an exit, so I got off the highway.
And began my ~3hr wait as my tow truck was scheduled, was late, didn't show, canceled, found another...
Eventually made it home safe and sound with only my ego bruised from feeling like I made a bad impression with a new client.
We're getting into planning season and I know a lot of people don't like to plan anymore.
Because plans often do go as - well - planned.
But that doesn't mean the process of creating a plan is important.
We just need to be ready to adjust and adapt when things don't go according to plan.
As boxing trainer Cus D' Amato said, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face."
It's what we do after that punch that makes the difference.
P.S. - How's your 2023 marketing plan coming along?
News, Tips, & Tricks
New Chrome features to save battery and make browsing smoother
After applying an update yesterday, I noticed this new "Memory Saver" feature in Google Chrome. If end up with tons of browser tabs open throughout the day (everyone does, right?), then you'll want to check out this new feature.
The Positive Power of a Good ‘No’
My friends at Aspire Business Development shared a nice piece on the power of a positive no.
How To Set And Achieve Goals
It's goal-setting season. Here are some tips and templates from Brian Tracy to help you set and meet your goals for the coming year.
Outsourcing Tips
One of the keys to building your Perfect Future Business is to focus on doing your best work. That means eliminating or delegating the stuff that isn't your best work. This article was written for startups, but consultants and other businesses can use it to build a list of things they should consider outsourcing.
Book of the Week

Build: An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making
A great read from someone who was on the teams that created the iPod, iPhone, and Nest Learning Thermostat. You don't have to be a product creator to learn some great lessons from this book.
Tool of the Week
Stop overpaying for software.
Having to buy software on a subscription basis is a pet peeve of mine. That's why I love AppSumo - they have great lifetime deals at a fraction of what you'd pay for a subscription.
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Let me know. Reply, email me at [email protected], or find me on LinkedIn to hit me with some feedback. I’d love to know what you think.
Thanks for reading.
P.S. - And whenever you are ready, here are 3 ways I can help you grow your business:
1) Get more referrals - Want help creating your system for orchestrating referrals?. Reply to this email with "More referrals" to set up a time to talk.
2) Get Help Quick - Day Rate Consults are the easiest way to get marketing tasks off of your to-do list. See what you can get done
3) Get more leads from your website - If your website isn't delivering enough leads, reply to this email with "website leads" and I'll send you the details about my Website Leads Audit.